Ups and downs of an influencer

The diary of Isabella M Smugge by Ruth Leigh

Is this just a humorous tale of a rich young mother with a delightful family and innumerable online followers?

Financed by her weekend-only, hedge-fund banker husband and her successful social media postings, Isabella and her wonderful children have recently moved from London to a huge ex-rectory in the countryside. She keeps fit with her morning swims and vegan snacks, and spends her days posting photos to social media. Meanwhile, her Latvian au pair cares lovingly for the children, the gardener who came with the house proves very competent, and her cleaner does all the dirty work. What more could she desire in life?

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An imaginative, deeply moving story

The Wanderer Reborn, by Natasha Woodcraft

What went on during the undocumented ages of our biblical forefathers’ lives? And who were the ‘other sons and daughters’ they bore? With much inspired fantasy, Natasha Woodcraft brings some of these characters to life in a very realistic manner.

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Wounds of the soul

The Pilgrim, by Joy Margetts

Pilgrims seek healing for the wounds of the soul

Before Hal joins the Cistercian Abbey in the heart of medieval Wales and adopts the new name of Hywel, his selfish lust has already done immeasurable harm to those closest to him. When a careless slip of the tongue deeply hurts his fellow novices, he expects to be banished. Much to his amazement, his mentor instead suggests he accompany a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of the Saints.

He soon discovers the other members of the group each have their own hangups and aspirations.

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Kann ein Leben so verzerrt sein?

Die Enkelin, von Bernhard Schlink

5 Stars

Diese Erzählung erinnert mich an die schwer verdauliche Bibelstelle: “Der HERR … sucht heim die Missetat der Väter über die Kinder ins dritte und vierte Glied.” (4. Mose 14:18). Kann es sein, dass die Hauptfigur dieser Geschichte tatsächlich ein Opfer des Fehlverhaltens ihrer Vorfahren ist?

Und gibt es wirklich Menschen, die in einer derart hoffnungslosen, vorprogrammierten Lebensbahn gefangen sind, aus der sie nicht ausbrechen können?

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Eye-opening, heart-rending

The Wanderer Scorned, by Natasha Woodcraft

The Wanderer Scorned – an elaborated Biblical story

I have had the privilege of ‘meeting’ Natasha a couple of times on Zoom, hearing her read an extract from her WIP and even singing Abba’s and Awan’s songs that appear in this book. Her invitation to take part in a blog tour to promote the book launch on 6th August 2022 thrilled me. I read the ARC out aloud to my wife – we were both captivated by it – and these are my impressions.

As the cover image implies, this is a deeply moving book. It explores interactions within a single family attempting to survive in a bountiful but unfamiliar world.

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Verwirrte, kulturübergreifende Beziehungen

Glückskinder, von Teresa Simon

5 Stars
Glückskinder, von Teresa Simon

Man überlegt es sich kaum: Wie war das Leben in Deutschland am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs? Begann das elende Volk zu erkennen, dass das Nazi-Regime betrügerisch und brutal war? Oder waren sie ihrem glorreichen Vaterland immer noch treu ergeben? Würden die ankommenden Amerikaner Rache üben oder barmherzig sein? Und wie ging es den unzähligen DPs (Displaced Persons) – den aus den vielen Konzentrationslagern Befreiten – die nicht mehr in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren konnten?

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Hardiness and healing

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn – a tale of hardiness and healing

The double bombshell of unjust eviction and a diagnosis of a terminal illness precipitates the devoted, ‘old’ couple of fifty years on a homeless hike with no future in sight. Backpacking, camping wild, surviving sometimes on little more than fruit gums and boiled limpets.

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Undurchsichtige Machenschaften

Die dunklen Wasser der Limmat von Saskia Gauthier

Fünf Todesfälle, alle natürlich oder selbst zugefügt. Und doch bestehen versteckte Verbindungen zwischen den Betroffenen. Als Lisa, eine junge Gerichtsmedizinerin, die Autopsien durchführt, hat sie den Eindruck, dass etwas nicht ganz stimmt. Aber niemand nimmt ihren Verdacht ernst.

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