The Wanderer Reborn, by Natasha Woodcraft
What went on during the undocumented ages of our biblical forefathers’ lives? And who were the ‘other sons and daughters’ they bore? With much inspired fantasy, Natasha Woodcraft brings some of these characters to life in a very realistic manner.
The Wanderer Scorned, the previous book in the series, described how the first people on Earth learned to herd sheep, cultivate cereals, catch fish, weave cloth, fight off beasts of prey and apply herbal remedies for their ailments. But after its tragic end, life has to go on. It’s particularly tough for lonely Awan, having lost both her two elder brothers, whom she dearly loved.
This second book develops the emotional and spiritual conflicts that develop within the growing family. It contains intriguing reflections on marriage relationships between siblings and explores the agony incurred when rather innocent, selfish behaviour causes deep wounds in others. How can such sin be rectified?
Awan decides to leave home, to avoid jealousy and to seek a deeper relationship with Yahweh Elohim. From Him, she learns fundamental truths about herself, which require deep repentance. He then sends her on a perilous venture into uncharted territory inhabited by vicious predators, in search of her murderer brother. The title of the book hints at the radical results of their eventual encounter…
It’s very refreshing to explore the primitive living conditions of these early ancestors; the author captures their individual characters in a masterly way. She is especially good at illuminating the spiritual struggles common to many of us, as we become aware of our past failures and face an uncertain future. As such, this book is deeply relevant to any serious-minded person seeking to restore broken relationships and discover purpose in life.
I received an ARC of this book, with a request to write an honest review.