I’ve been thinking about Jesus’s promise to his followers:
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)
To whom does that apply? And where are the people who enjoy this rich and satisfying life?
Secular Humanists?
Here in Switzerland – in fact, throughout the Western world – I see many people pursuing a rich and satisfying life without God. They enjoy quite a luxurious lifestyle, have time to have fun, foster healthy relationships, are tolerant toward neighbours from different racial or religious backgrounds or who have different views, and they practice and encourage a rather liberal morality as regards sexuality. They are kind to the underprivileged and generous toward charitable organisations that care for social and environmental needs.
But they show little, if any, interest in the God who revealed himself in Jesus.
Ambitious Opportunists?
Others seek wealth and power with little concern for the ethical aspects or consequences of their behaviour. They work hard for global enterprises that place more emphasis on economic growth than on environmental issues. They invest hard in the stock market or in cryptocurrencies. They compete with their colleagues with their big cars, hi-tech gadgetry, intelligent homes and exotic holidays. Or they seek political influence, enjoying seeing their names in the media and on posters.
But they show little, if any, interest in the God who revealed himself in Jesus.
Oppressed Populace?
On the other side of the world – or in our Western refugee camps – others suffer from oppressive regimes. Despotic rulers inhibit citizens’ rights, control the availability of foreign goods and services, and overlook the essential educational, medical, and nutritional needs of the populace. Instead, they often invest in military prowess or engage in wars for ideological reasons.
Though they often claim religious motives for their policies, they show little interest in the God who revealed himself in Jesus.
Devoted Christians?
Here in the West, very few people seem to enjoy the rich and satisfying life promised to those who follow Jesus – a humble, modest life characterised by compassion and generosity toward others and the assurance of eternal joy.
Why do so few people show an interest in the God who revealed himself in Jesus?