God intervenes in astonishing ways.
Glory Zone in the War Zone: Miracles, Signs, and Wonders in the Middle East, by Andrew White

One cannot repudiate Canon Andrew White’s frequent experiences of divine intervention, guidance and help in scenes of horrendous tragedy in the war zones of Baghdad and the religious tensions in other parts of the Middle East. His trust in the God who has revealed himself in Jesus and through the words of the Bible is unshakable. He shows tremendous courage, motivated by love, as he serves the innocent victims of war, whatever their religion or faction. And he steps in boldly to mediate in unimaginably stressful conflict situations.
This may prove a very encouraging book for people who share the author’s faith. But in all honesty, although I am a convinced follower of Jesus, I felt unable to identify with some of the biblical statements he uses to explain his behaviour. And his enthusiastic triumphalism while witnessing brutal killings and hardship seem out of place to me.
The book consists of a series of separate incidents chosen to support the author’s understanding of God’s supernatural ways. As such, it has neither a logical structure nor a consistent theme.