Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Eldredge has hit on something big! He dares to turn his back on the common modern Christian perspective on society (esp. masculine roles) and explore the deep, real motives and needs of men.

His analysis is rather one-sided (e.g. every man carries a wound given by his father P.60) and so is his remedy: accept and live out your desire to fight battles, experience adventure rescue your beauty. Continue reading “Wild at Heart by John Eldredge”

Wie denkt man eigentlich, wenn man ‘hebräisch’ denkt?

Dr. Wolfgang J. Bittner erklärt, was es bedeutet, ‘hebräisch’ zu denken – in Geschichten statt durch Begriffe. Hier ein Auszug aus seiner These.

‘Wir sind bei einem der wesentlichen Aspekte dessen, was man hebräisches Denken, hebräische Wirklichkeitsauffassung nennen kann. Über einen Begriff kann ich nachdenken. Das hebräische Denken ist interessiert an den Vorgängen, die man betrachten kann. Im Musical Anatevka, das auf die jiddische Dichtung von Tewje dem Milchmann (Scholem Alejchem) zurück geht, taucht der Begriff Liebe auf. Continue reading “Wie denkt man eigentlich, wenn man ‘hebräisch’ denkt?”

Stand up for science!

scienceA Facebook friend (# 1) shared this image from the AtheistRepublic, adding the caption: “Controversy alert! (But I’ll still listen if you disagree. 😂)”.

After several other comments, one from me triggered the following exchange:

Me: I’m a scientist who can’t quite manage to stretch my faith to believe there’s no God behind this wondrous world.

# 1: See, that does fascinate me. I can perfectly understand why lots of people need to ascribe a coherent, humanlike intelligence to the design of the universe; the incontrovertible facts of science tend to be explained in relatively complex language, and one really does need to concentrate. Where I’m interested is when genuinely intelligent people with a sound grasp of scientific principles also have this need. I get quite irritable when anthropomorphic viewpoints are described as facts, so I’d love to know why you, in particular, believe there must be a god. But only if you have time one day, and can be bothered! 😁

Me:  Not sure this is the place for apologetics. But here goes: Continue reading “Stand up for science!”

Das Buch der Mitte von Vishal Mangalwadi

Das Buch der Mitte: Wie wir wurden, was wir sind: Die Bibel als Herzstück der westlichen Kultur, von Vishal Mangalwadi, ist eine mutige Analyse des starken Einflusses der christlichen Bibel auf die Entwicklung der westlichen Welt.

Mangalwadi ist ein äußerst gebildeter und überzeugender Wissenschaftler. Er verbindet sein akademisches Studium mit politischem und sozialem Handel, so weit dass es für ihn selbst und seine Familie lebensgefährlich wurde. Durch seine vielen Bücher und seine Vorträge in aller Welt versucht er, die Augen einer Welt zu öffnen, die ihr geistliches Erbe zu vergessen scheint.

Dieses Buch ist eine Mischung aus persönlichen Erfahrungen und philosophischen Aussagen. Der Autor beschäftigt sich mit den Lehren einflussreicher Denker und Künstler aller Zeiten (Buddha, Augustinus, Thomas von Aquin, Thomas à Kempis, Francis Bacon, Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Knox, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Camus, Jean Paul Sartre, JRR Tolkien, Kurt Cobain usw.) Er bezieht sich auch auf bedeutende historische Dokumente (der Koran, die Magna Carta, die Geneva Bible, die “Trilogie der Freiheit” der Hugenotten usw.) Und er zitiert spezifische Beispiele aus seinem eigenen Heimatland Indien sowie aus Europa und Nordamerika.

Continue reading “Das Buch der Mitte von Vishal Mangalwadi”

The Book that Made Your World by Vishal Mangalwadi

The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization, by Vishal Mangalwadi is a bold analysis of the powerful influence the Christian Bible has had on the development of the western world.

Mangalwadi is an extremely erudite and lucid scholar, who has combined academic learning with political and social action, even at the risk of his and his family’s life. Through his many books and his international lecturing programme he seeks to open the eyes of a world that seems to have forgotten its spiritual heritage.

This book is a mixture of personal experiences and philosophical statements. The author delves into teachings of influential thinkers and artists throughout the ages (Buddha, Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas à Kempis, Francis Bacon, Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Knox, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, J.R.R. Tolkien, Kurt Cobain, etc.). He also refers to significant historical documents (the Qur’an, the Magna Carta, the Geneva Bible, the Huguenots’ “Trilogy of Freedom”, etc.). And he cites specific examples from his own home country of India, as well as Europe and North America.

Continue reading “The Book that Made Your World by Vishal Mangalwadi”

Review of Mission With by Paul Keeble

Paul Keeble shares, on the one hand, his family’s experiences of living for over 30 years as part of an underprivileged community in inner-city Manchester and, on the other hand, his personal (theological, social, political) reflections on his motivation and influence in that situation. Continue reading “Review of Mission With by Paul Keeble”

What would Daddy say?

“Where’s Daddy gone?”

“Dunno. Said something about going to see someone.”

“Didn’t he ask us to go with him?”

“I’m old enough to decide what I want to do.” I polish my shoes, check my hair in the mirror and put on my new coat. “You coming with me?”

“O–K.” Pete also gets himself ready. “Did you tell Daddy where you were going?”

“To the woods.”

petit enfant blond dans la foret“We could go down to the river for a swim. No one would notice.”

“That would be lying. Daddy would be horrified.”

We set off down the dirt track between the autumnal trees.

“Hey! Look out! It’s muddy there. Daddy doesn’t like us to get our shoes dirty.” Continue reading “What would Daddy say?”

Does God care about nations?

Each morning, I read the Daily Moravian Bible Texts – first in German (Losungen), then in English. Both today’s Old Testament and New Testament readings refer (in German) to the Nations (Völker). This made me stop and think.

Tut kund seine Herrlichkeit unter den Nationen, unter allen Völkern seine Wunder. Psalm 96,3

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3 (NIV)

Paulus und Barnabas berichteten, was Gott alles durch sie getan und dass er allen Völkern die Tür zum Glauben aufgetan habe. Apostelgeschichte 14,27

On arriving there, Paul and Barnabas gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles. Acts 14:27 (NIV) Continue reading “Does God care about nations?”

Der “ideale” Gottesdienst?

Einige Gedankenanstösse als Diskussionsgrundlage

Abklärung der Bedürfnisse

  • Tradition vs. Innovation
  • Lehre vs. Evangelisation
  • Musikstil + Liedergut
  • Technische Unterstützung
  • Dekor
  • Verschiedene Arten, zB Gäste-GD (Open-air? Neutraler Raum?), Kinder-GD, liturgischer GD
  • ‘Professionell’ vs. breite Beteiligung
  • Zeitpunkt + Dauer
  • Altersgemischte oder zielgruppenoriente GDs, zB Samstag oder Sonntag Abend für Junge, Alleinstehende?
  • Parallel laufendes Kinderprogramm
  • Gemeinschaft bei Kaffee/Mahlzeit/Spiel
  • Einzelgebet/Seelsorge/Praktische Hilfe
  • Hindernisse, zB zu laut, zu lang, zu unruhig, zu weltfremd, zu weltlich, nicht authentisch, zu viele Leute, zu klein

Continue reading “Der “ideale” Gottesdienst?”

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