The Radical Disciple by John Stott

How refreshing to read a compact, no nonsense book in which the great Bible teacher/apologist – I remember him well from my student days in London – “considers eight characteristics of Christian discipleship which are often neglected and yet deserve to be taken seriously.

John Stott makes no attempt to be sensational and refrains from embellishing his text with exciting anecdotes. Instead he delves deep, facing hard truths honestly, while presenting his message succinctly and clearly.

His eight topics are the following:

  1. Non-conformity – daring to be ourselves, whatever mould the world around us would squeeze us into. That means coping with the lures of pluralism, materialism, ethical relativism, and narcissism.
  2. Christlikeness – God’s purpose for his people is nothing less than to become like Jesus though His indwelling Spirit!
  3. Maturity – not perfection, but getting to know God and having a relationship of worship, trust, love, and obedience with Him.
  4. Creation-care: “The earth belongs to God by creation, but to us by delegation!” I find it so encouraging that an Evangelical dares to emphasize this aspect of our faith.
  5. Simplicity: quoting from and commenting on the 1980 International Consultation on Simple Lifestyle. “When Christians care for each other and for the deprived, Jesus Christ becomes more visibly attractive.
  6. Balance: “We are called to both individual discipleship and corporate fellowship… worship and work… pilgrimage and citizenship.
  7. Dependence. This is a tough one in this age of self-assertion. Stott makes the shocking statement: “We are all designed to be a burden to others. You are designed to be a burden to me and I am designed to be a burden to you… ‘mutual burdensomeness’!
  8. Death: “The indispensable condition for experiencing the desirable glories of life… is death!  Life through death is one of the profoundest paradoxes…

This is a farewell book from the 88-year old master-teacher. Well done, good and faithful servant!

One thought on “The Radical Disciple by John Stott”

  1. Viktor, das klingt enorm “aamächelig”. Ich hatte vor Jahren ein Buch von Stott geschenkt bekommen und war beeindruckt von seiner klaren Sprache und seinem klaren Denken. “Radical Disciple” klingt nach einem Buch, das man eigentlich in einer Gruppe lesen sollte. Weisst Du, ob eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche geplant ist?

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