Emotional hangups

Just Benny by Alex Banwell


Benny’s dad, Ola Welander, rejects him. Janet, his mum, pampers him. His sister, Emma, loves her little ‘Pestie’ but finds him exasperating at times. Other kids mock ‘Weedy Welander’, all because he suffers from frequent epileptic seizures. As a result, Benny withdraws to the only place where he feels safe: his mother’s arms. ‘I’m rubbish at everything’ are his favourite words.

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What’s going on in the world?

I’ve been thinking about Jesus’s promise to his followers:

My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)

To whom does that apply? And where are the people who enjoy this rich and satisfying life?

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Feminine audacity and spiritual depth

Once on a Hill in Tuscany by Alison Taylor-Brown

5 Stars

This collection of eleven short stories fascinated me and my wife as I read them aloud evening by evening. The cocky but sensitive Giulia is always good for some unexpected twist of events. The beautiful language and delightful use of simile drew me into the scenes. But the greatest merit of these tales is the spiritual insight revealed through the heroine’s reactions to her unexpected encounters.

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Jesus – eine Weltgeschichte von Markus Spieker

Dies ist ein mächtiges Buch – in jedem Sinne des Wortes. Es ist meisterhaft recherchiert, mit vielen Beispielen untermauert und trotzdem sehr gut lesbar. Sehr empfehlenswert – trotz seiner Länge.

Von der frühen Antike über das Judentum und die grossen Weltreiche der Griechen und Römer mit ihren Glaubensvorstellungen und philosophischen Ansichten, führt Spieker dann in das Zeitalter des christlichen Glaubens. Durch Höhen und Tiefen, mit Hinweisen auf feindliche und freundliche Denker und Machtsucher, zeigt der Autor, wie die Anhänger Jesu meist sehr positive Auswirkungen auf die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und das Weltgeschehen bewirkten.

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Wounds of the soul

The Pilgrim, by Joy Margetts

Pilgrims seek healing for the wounds of the soul

Before Hal joins the Cistercian Abbey in the heart of medieval Wales and adopts the new name of Hywel, his selfish lust has already done immeasurable harm to those closest to him. When a careless slip of the tongue deeply hurts his fellow novices, he expects to be banished. Much to his amazement, his mentor instead suggests he accompany a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of the Saints.

He soon discovers the other members of the group each have their own hangups and aspirations.

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Eye-opening, heart-rending

The Wanderer Scorned, by Natasha Woodcraft

The Wanderer Scorned – an elaborated Biblical story

I have had the privilege of ‘meeting’ Natasha a couple of times on Zoom, hearing her read an extract from her WIP and even singing Abba’s and Awan’s songs that appear in this book. Her invitation to take part in a blog tour to promote the book launch on 6th August 2022 thrilled me. I read the ARC out aloud to my wife – we were both captivated by it – and these are my impressions.

As the cover image implies, this is a deeply moving book. It explores interactions within a single family attempting to survive in a bountiful but unfamiliar world.

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Adventures in thin places

The Road of Brightness, by Michael Mitton

The Road of Brightness by [Michael Mitton]

No one is sure who first suggested undertaking a pilgrimage to Assisi. But a highly improbable group of friends and acquaintances from Dingle, Ireland, decide to do just that. And the new local priest, Father Kilbar, agrees to lead them, although he has never been there before.

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