Verwirrte, kulturübergreifende Beziehungen

Glückskinder, von Teresa Simon

5 Stars
Glückskinder, von Teresa Simon

Man überlegt es sich kaum: Wie war das Leben in Deutschland am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs? Begann das elende Volk zu erkennen, dass das Nazi-Regime betrügerisch und brutal war? Oder waren sie ihrem glorreichen Vaterland immer noch treu ergeben? Würden die ankommenden Amerikaner Rache üben oder barmherzig sein? Und wie ging es den unzähligen DPs (Displaced Persons) – den aus den vielen Konzentrationslagern Befreiten – die nicht mehr in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren konnten?

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Hardiness and healing

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn – a tale of hardiness and healing

The double bombshell of unjust eviction and a diagnosis of a terminal illness precipitates the devoted, ‘old’ couple of fifty years on a homeless hike with no future in sight. Backpacking, camping wild, surviving sometimes on little more than fruit gums and boiled limpets.

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Undurchsichtige Machenschaften

Die dunklen Wasser der Limmat von Saskia Gauthier

Fünf Todesfälle, alle natürlich oder selbst zugefügt. Und doch bestehen versteckte Verbindungen zwischen den Betroffenen. Als Lisa, eine junge Gerichtsmedizinerin, die Autopsien durchführt, hat sie den Eindruck, dass etwas nicht ganz stimmt. Aber niemand nimmt ihren Verdacht ernst.

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Adventures in thin places

The Road of Brightness, by Michael Mitton

The Road of Brightness by [Michael Mitton]

No one is sure who first suggested undertaking a pilgrimage to Assisi. But a highly improbable group of friends and acquaintances from Dingle, Ireland, decide to do just that. And the new local priest, Father Kilbar, agrees to lead them, although he has never been there before.

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Further incidents from a 14th century monastery

The Wounds of God

No. 2 in the Hawk and the Dove Series

This book follows the same pattern as the first in the series. Everyday life in a family of seven can be fun, even though it involves a constant struggle to make ends meet.

The devoted mother picks opportunities to entertain her starry-eyed, fifteen-year-old daughter with legends of their ancestor, Father Peregrine. Many centuries earlier, he was the rather bizarre abbot of a Yorkshire monastery. The bumbling antics of his protégés, together with musings on the nature and will of God, paint a vivid picture.

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Healing of the soul

The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock

The Hawk and the Dove (The Hawk and the Dove Series Book 1) by [Penelope Wilcock]
5 Stars

If I say this book is about penitence, you wouldn’t read it. It gets worse: it’s about experiencing a brutal assault as a divine blessing.

In fact, it’s a delightful, heart-warming glimpse of 14th century monastic life. Over many generations, grandmothers have passed these anecdotes down to their granddaughters. They relate both humorous incidents and deep lessons of faith in a loving God.

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Schatzsuche oder die Natur geniessen?

Geocaching im Freiamt

Geocaching – eine Freizeitaktivität für Jung und Alt. Schatzdosen liegen in Wohngebieten oder in der freien Natur versteckt. Mit einer App auf einem GPS-fähigen Handy (z. B. c:geo oder Cachly) sucht man anhand der aufgezeichneten geografischen Koordinaten nach ihnen. Einmal gefunden, loggt man seinen Erfolg ein.

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A Christian ‘Who’s Who?’

They’ll never read that by Tony Collins

5 Stars

Tony comes over as both entertaining and inspiring in this very personal book, in which he neither brags nor seeks to hide his failures. It reads more as an autobiography than – as the subtitle implies – a how-to-fail book about the challenges of book publishing.

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